The Pulse of Productization

A collection of news, insights, and product leaders we admire

Don’t Waste Money, Try A Sell-Then-Build Strategy

From time to time, I get a call from a pro-serv company that has invested a lot of time and money into launching a product that simply isn’t selling.  They don’t know what went wrong.   Can we help?  After a little digging, we often find out they didn’t get enough (or any) market feedback as they were building. They were sure about the solution/product/offering and wanted to get right to selling. In the right situation, I am all for going right to selling, BUT do it without building anything! Save thousands of dollars, maybe hundreds of hours, and Sell then Build.

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Quick Test, Big Impact: Unlock the Power of Wizard of Oz MVPs

In the realm of B2B professional services, where expertise and tailored solutions are the main offerings, the challenge of introducing new technology products or tech-enabled services is magnified as they can require significant upfront investment as well as new skill sets. Imagine if you could first test your new product concept with actual live, paying customers to be sure there is market demand before making that significant investment.

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How To Mitigate Cannibalization Risk From New Products

“I don't want this new product to eat away at my existing business.”

We hear this a lot. 

So many executives get caught up in the fear that new products will detract, or worse destroy, their existing business. Total or partial cannibalization can occur when a new product moves customers away from current service offerings or product lines. It is a legitimate concern, but the right framework and strategy can help companies stay competitive and turn potential threats into opportunities.

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5 Phases of Product Innovation & Management

Product innovation and management are key capabilities for developing successful scalable, digital products. But if you're new to product innovation and management, building the processes and competencies you need to be successful can be overwhelming. For example, should you start by improving your voice of the customer skills or Agile project management skills or product usage analytics skills or all of the above?

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