Overcoming Obstacles to VoC
Talking to customers is essential for successful product innovation.

Insights on How to Productize Services and Solution Offerings
A collection of news, insights, and best practices for productizing services, conducting market research, developing new products, and commercializing offerings.
Talking to customers is essential for successful product innovation.
Innovation. Productization. Tech-Enablement. Digitization. AI.
The CEO of a global HR advisory firm recently told me,
“It is the wild, wild west right now. But I know, with certainty, AI will be a revolutionary change, not an evolutionary change, for professional services firms. This will be a huge change management challenge as we rethink almost everything - how we create value, who we hire, how we make money - really, everything.”
Would you rather fight fires forever or build a fire-proof house?
In the park by my kids' preschool here in Maryland, there are so many acorns it is almost hard to walk or avoid getting hit in the head. They are saying that 2023 is a “mast year” for trees, which is why we are seeing all these acorns.
Speaking Frankly - It’s Hard Being a Product Leader in a New-to-Product Organization
Introducing Anthony Donatelli, Senior Director of Research Growth Strategy at EAB!
Vecteris recently convened a group of ten B2B professional services executives to explore the impact of Generative AI (Gen AI) on their businesses.
“The report of my death was an exaggeration” - 4 lessons from Airbnb’s restructuring of Product Management