Insights on How to Productize Services and Solution Offerings

A collection of news, insights, and best practices for productizing services, conducting market research, developing new products, and commercializing offerings.

Sneak Peek At New Book For Professional Services Firms: PRODUCTIZE

Productize: The Ultimate Guide to Turning Professional Services into Scalable Products

When the world shut down a year ago, business began to slow for many professional services firms. For many, the slowdown created an opportunity – or urgent need – to try to productize their services as a strategy to grow scalably, improve valuations, and fend off new digital-first competitors.

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5 Phases of Product Innovation & Management

Product innovation and management are key capabilities for developing successful scalable, digital products. But if you're new to product innovation and management, building the processes and competencies you need to be successful can be overwhelming. For example, should you start by improving your voice of the customer skills or Agile project management skills or product usage analytics skills or all of the above?

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